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Are you looking for a reliable system or internet admin to undertake tasks for you on an ad-hoc basis or regular basis? Craig and his team can help.

Experienced with:

  • CentOS / CloudLinux
  • cPanel / WHM
  • Web Hosting
  • Domain Names
  • WordPress

On the topic of WordPress, we have extensive experience in the following WordPress areas:

  • Installation
  • Duplication
  • Relocation
  • Debugging Critical Errors

We also offer emergency support services for when those unexpected errors occur outside of business hours. Click here to utilise the emergency support service.

We also have a close working relationship with Mel from Frankly Organised who can offer amazing custom WordPress Theme designs to suit your requirements along with other key digital marketing services.

As we work together frequently and consult for each other, we can work as a team so that you can reach out to Mel or me and we can get you pointed in the right direction.

Frankly Organised Logo

[/fusion_tab][fusion_tab title=”Software Consulting” icon=”fa-diagnoses fas”]Craig offers an innovative and unique service to clients, which he calls an Idea Discovery Session.

So, what exactly is an Idea Discovery Session? Software programmers are a dime a dozen in this day and age. Still, it seems that an essential part of the software development process is often forgotten or not given the time and attention it so deserves, and that is the Software Analyst portion of the job. Because I like to be a bit different, and it sounds cool, I actually call this being a Software Dreamer.

During the ‘Idea Discovery Session’ which is performed by Zoom Meeting, we will take your idea or project and unpack everything we can about it.

  • Your Ideal Software Application including, but not limited to;
    • Thoughts
    • Wishes
    • Wouldn’t That Be Great If Ideas?
    • Future Planning

Throughout the process, I will be asking questions and giving my ideas combined with your ideas and getting it all recorded and written down.

I will then take away all of this information, and when completed, I will be giving you the following:

  • Software Specifications Document;
  • Wireframe Project; done in Balsamiq Software Application;
  • Technical Recommendations For Hosting Your Software Application; and
  • A Fixed Price Quote On Developing The Software Application

The initial session conducted over Zoom can last for up to an hour and a half. I will then go away, and over the course of two weeks, create your unique software application documentation and then present to you. Once the Idea Discovery Session is completed and the service paid for, all IP that has been created for you will be transferred to you.

You do not have to use our services for Software Development, that is entirely up to you. However, you can deduct the cost of the Idea Discovery Session from the Quoted Price as our way of saying thank you for using our services.

Now, you may be thinking to yourself – that’s just a glorified term for being a software analyst. But what you are really getting for your money is access to my many years of experience as CTO for a Large Web Hosting Provider here in Australia. Not only was I CTO, but I was also heavily involved in software development and created many systems during that time. In both PHP and Perl Languages, HTML, CSS, Javascript and the like. I also have a solid background in DevOps.

Now you might be asking yourself, what is DevOps? It’s basically an amalgamation of being a Systems Administrator and Software Developer together. These rare individuals have extensive experience in creating software projects that utilise both software programming languages and combining their systems administration knowledge to create UNIQUE solutions tailored to your individual circumstances.

I like to think I have a ‘Can Do‘ attitude and I often have been required to create inventive and customised solutions when none existed already.

If this service interests you and would like to find out more and possibly retain my services, please feel free to reach out to me.[/fusion_tab][fusion_tab title=”Software Development” icon=”fa-code fas”]

Do you need a software application developed for you? With experience in both PHP and Perl software programming languages and a team of dedicated Project Managers and Software Programmers, including Frontend, Backend and DevOps programmers, we can create your unique software application for you.

How Our Process Works

  • You make contact with us and provide us with some information on what you are trying to achieve with your application;
  • We will then organise an estimate for your job. Keep in mind this is only an estimate, and the actual quote may be more or less depending on your requirements;
  • If you would like to continue, at this point we will require your software specifications documentation, which you can either create yourself, or you can use our ‘Idea Discovery Service‘ which you can find more info about in the Software Consulting tab of this screen. We highly recommend that you utilise this service, and the great part of it is that we will use the cost of the session and deduct it from the final quote should you proceed with us, as we have done the documentation there are no surprises for us;
  • We will  then give you a firm quote on what we will deliver for you;
  • If you agree, we prepare and sign an agreement for the software application and commence development.

Feel free to reach out to us via the Contact Us page to start your journey with us today!

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